Runtime database setup for development mode

IBM MobileFirst™ Platform Foundation uses defaults to access the runtime database, which kind is WRKLGHT by default. When you work in a development environment and use JDBC to connect to a database, you can use a set of property keys to change the settings. You can also use a set of properties to configure Cloudant® as the runtime database.


This method of declaring data sources is deprecated in a production environment and is only suitable when working in a development environment and using JDBC for database connections. To configure data sources when working in a production environment, see Creating and configuring the databases manually.

Property keys and values for JDBC-based properties
Property Key Property Value
wl.db.url JDBC path to the runtime database.
wl.db.username Runtime database user name.

Default: Worklight

wl.db.password Runtime database password.

Default: Worklight

wl.db.driver The class that implements a JDBC driver for each vendor. For example:

MySQL: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

Oracle: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver


Derby: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver

wl.reports.db.url(*) JDBC path to the reports database

Default: refers to runtime database.

Note: Deprecated in V7.1.0. Use Operational analytics instead.
wl.reports.db.username(*) Reports database user name.

Default: refers to Worklight database.

Note: Deprecated in V7.1.0. Use Operational analytics instead.
wl.reports.db.password(*) Reports database password

Default: refers to runtime database.

Note: Deprecated in V7.1.0. Use Operational analytics instead.
Note: (*) By default all report mechanisms in MobileFirst Server use a single reports database. The reports database is set to be the same as the runtime database. For more information about how this default setting can be changed, see Using raw data reports.

To configure the MobileFirst project to use Cloudant as the runtime database configure your Cloudant credentials (user name and password). Once these credentials are configured, the server uses Cloudant as the runtime database and not the default JPA.

In addition, you can configure the following properties:

Property keys and values for Cloudant configuration
Property Key Property Value
mfp.db.cloudant.username The user name of the Cloudant account.
mfp.db.cloudant.password The password of the Cloudant account.
mfp.db.cloudant.url Optional. The URL of the Cloudant account.

Optional. The prefix that is added to the database name of the MobileFirst runtime.

For example, if the value department is assigned to this attribute and the context root of your MobileFirst runtime is /mfp, the database name is department_mfp_runtime_db.

Important: This prefix must start with a lowercase letter, and can contain only lowercase characters (a-z), digits (0-9), and any of the following characters: _, $ and -.
mfp.db.cloudant.connectTimeout Optional. The timeout to establish a connection, in milliseconds. A value of zero means an infinite timeout.
mfp.db.cloudant.socketTimeout Optional. The timeout to wait for a response, in milliseconds. A value of zero means an infinite timeout.
mfp.db.cloudant.maxConnections Optional. The maximum number of connections to the database.
mfp.db.cloudant.proxyHost Optional. The host name to connect through the proxy.
mfp.db.cloudant.proxyPort Optional. The proxy port.