IBM® Informix® 12.10

STS_SubtrackAlterLagToCurrent function

The STS_SubtrackAlterLagToCurrent function changes the indexing lag time.


      subtrack_name                 VARCHAR(128),
      ts_data_lag_to_current        INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND DEFAULT NULL)
returns INTEGER
The name of the subtrack table.
The indexing lag time. The time interval before the current time to avoid indexing. Default is the time stamp of the latest element in the time series.


Run the STS_SubtrackAlterLagToCurrent function to change the value of the ts_data_lag_to_current parameter, as set by the STS_SubtrackCreate function. The change in indexing lag time takes effect when new data is loaded and indexed.


0 = The indexing lag time is changed.

An exception = An error.


The following statement changes the indexing lag time to one hour:

EXECUTE FUNCTION STS_SubtrackAlterLagToCurrent(
        '0 01:00:00'::INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND);

Examples exchange | Troubleshooting

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