UPDATE SCHEDULE (Update a schedule)

Use this command to update a client or administrative command schedule.

The UPDATE SCHEDULE command takes two forms, depending on whether the schedule applies to client operations or administrative commands. Within these two forms, you can select either classic or enhanced style schedules. The syntax and parameters for each form are defined separately.

Table 1. Commands related to UPDATE SCHEDULE
Command Description
COPY SCHEDULE Creates a copy of a schedule.
DEFINE SCHEDULE Defines a schedule for a client operation or an administrative command.
DELETE SCHEDULE Deletes a schedule from the database.
QUERY EVENT Displays information about scheduled and completed events for selected clients.
QUERY SCHEDULE Displays information about schedules.
SET MAXCMDRETRIES Specifies the maximum number of retries after a failed attempt to execute a scheduled command.
SET MAXSCHEDSESSIONS Specifies the maximum number of client/server sessions available for processing scheduled work.
SET RETRYPERIOD Specifies the time between retry attempts by the client scheduler.