An ATOMSERVICE resource defines an Atom service, feed, collection, or category document that CICS® can deliver to a Web client over HTTP.

To support each ATOMSERVICE resource, you need a URIMAP resource to handle incoming Web client requests and point to the appropriate ATOMSERVICE resource.

Atom feed documents and collections are documents that contain one or more Atom entries. Web clients cannot edit the Atom entries in a feed, but they can edit the Atom entries in a collection. When a Web client makes an HTTP request relating to the Atom feed or collection, CICS assembles the appropriate Atom entries and delivers the document to the Web client. The ATOMSERVICE resource for an Atom feed or collection identifies the Atom configuration file, CICS resource or application program, and XML binding that CICS uses to supply the data and metadata for the Atom entries.

Atom service documents provide information about the collections that are available from CICS, and Atom category documents list the categories that can be applied to Atom entries in a collection. You can create these documents as an Atom configuration file and serve them using an ATOMSERVICE resource, or you can deliver them as a static document through CICS Web support.