Results of running the EXCI sample applications

This is an example of the output produced by successful execution of the pregenerated assembler version of the client program, DFH$AXCC.

Figure 1. Successful execution
*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================*
*                                                                              *
*  EXEC Level Processor.                                                       *
*    Setting up the EXEC level call.                                           *
*    The Link Request has successfully completed.                              *
*    Server Response:                                                          *
*      The file is set to a browsable state.                                   *
*                                                                              *
*  CALL Level Processor.                                                       *
*    Initialize_User call complete.                                            *
*    Allocate_Pipe call complete.                                              *
*    Open_Pipe call complete.                                                  *
*    The connection has been successful.                                       *
*      The target file follows:                                                *
*                                                                              *
*=========================== Top of File ======================================*
000102F. ALDSON            WARWICK, ENGLAND    9835618326 11 81$1111.11Y00007300
000104S. BOWLER            LONDON,ENGLAND      1284629326 11 81$0999.99Y00007400
000106B. ADAMS             CROYDON, ENGLAND    1948567326 11 81$0087.71Y00007500
000111GENE BARLOWE         SARATOGA,CALIFORNIA 4612075301 02 74$0111.11Y00007600
000762GEORGE BURROW        SAN JOSE,CALIFORNIA 2231212101 06 74$0000.00Y00007700
000983H. L. L. CALL        WASHINGTON, DC      3451212021 04 75$9999.99Y00007800
003210B.CREPIN             NICE, FRANCE        1234567026 11 81$3349.99Y00008100
003214HUBERT C HERBERT     SUNNYVALE, CAL.     3411212000 06 73$0009.99N00008200 
003890PHILIPPE SMITH, JR   NICE, FRANCE        0000000028 05 74$0009.99N00008300
004004STAN SMITH           DUBLIN, IRELAND     7111212102 11 73$1259.99N00008400
004445S. GALSON            SOUTH BEND, S.DAK.  6121212026 11 81$0009.99N00008500 
004878D.C. CURRENT         SUNNYVALE, CALIF.   3221212010 06 73$5399.99N00008600  
005005J. S. LAVERENCE      SAN FRANCISCO, CA.  0000000101 08 73$0009.99N00008700 
005444JEAN LAWRENCE        SARATOGA, CALIF.    6771212020 10 74$0809.99N00008800
005581JOHN ALDEN III       BOSTON, MASS.       4131212011 04 74$0259.99N00008900
006016DR W. T. KAR         NEW DELHI, INDIA    7033121121 05 74$0009.88Y00009000 
006670WILLIAM KAPP         NEW YORK, N.Y.      2121212031 01 75$3509.88N00009100
06968D. CONRAD             WARWICK, ENGLAND    5671382126 11 81$0009.88Y00009200
007248B. C. WILLIAMSON     REDWOOD CITY, CALF. 3331212111 10 75$0009.88N00009400 
007779MRS. W. WELCH        SAN JOSE, CALIF.    4151212003 01 75$0009.88Y00009500 
100000G. NEADS             TORONTO, ONTARIO    0341512126 11 81$0010.00Y00009600 
111111C. MEARS             OTTAWA, ONTARIO     5121200326 11 81$0011.00Y00009700 
200000A. BONFIELD          GLASCOW, SCOTLAND   6373829026 11 81$0020.00Y00009900  
300000K. TRENCHARD         NEW YORK, U.S.      6473980126 11 81$0030.00Y00010000 
333333D. MYRING            CARDIFF, WALES      7849302026 11 81$0033.00Y00010100
400000W. TANNER            MILAN, ITALY        2536373826 11 81$0040.00Y00010200
444444A. FISHER            CALGARY, ALBERTA    7788982026 11 81$0044.00Y00010300
500000J. DENFORD           MADRID, SPAIN       4445464026 11 81$0000.00Y00010400
555555C. JARDINE           KINGSTON, N.Y.      3994442026 11 81$0005.00Y00010500 
600000F. HUGHES            DUBLIN, IRELAND     1239878026 11 81$0010.00Y00010600
666666A. BROOKMAN          LA HULPE, BRUSSELS  4298384026 11 81$0016.00Y00010700
700000A. MACALLA           DALLAS, TEXAS       5798432026 11 81$0002.00Y00010800 
777777D. PRYKE             WILLIAMSBURG, VIRG. 9187613126 11 81$0027.00Y00010900
800000H. BRISTOW           WESTEND, LONDON     2423338926 11 81$0030.00Y00011000
888888B. HOWARD            NORTHAMPTON, ENG.   2369163926 11 81$0038.00Y00011100
900000D. WOODSON           TAMPA, FLA.         3566812026 11 81$0040.00Y00011200
999999R. JACKSON           RALEIGH, N.Y.       8459163926 11 81$0049.00Y00011300
 *=========================== End of File ======================================*
 *                                                                              *
 *    Closing Dpl Request has been attempted.                                   *
 *    Close_Pipe call complete.                                                 *
 *    Deallocate_Pipe call complete.                                            *
 *                                                                              *
 *=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*
Figure 2. No CICS return code. The target CICS® region specified by the client program is not found, or IRC was not opened.
*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================*
*                                                                              *
*  EXEC Level Processor.                                                       *
*    Setting up the EXEC level call.                                           *
*    The Link Request has failed.  Return codes are;                           *
*        Resp = 00000088  Resp2 = 00000203  Abend Code:                        *
*    >>>> Aborting further processing <<<<                                     *
*                                                                              *
*=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*
Figure 3. No file found. The target file name to the server program was not found on the target CICS system.
*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================*
*                                                                              *
*  EXEC Level Processor.                                                       *
*    Setting up the EXEC level call.                                           *
*    The Link Request has successfully completed.                              *
*    Server Response:                                                          *
*      The file could not be found.                                            *
*    >>>> Aborting further processing <<<<                                     *
*                                                                              *
*=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*
Figure 4. Incorrect transaction identifier. The target transid passed in the external CICS interface call is not defined on the target CICS system. Note the message received from the target CICS system.
*===================== EXCI Sample Client Program =============================*
*                                                                              *
*  EXEC Level Processor.                                                       *
*    Setting up the EXEC level call.                                           *
*    The Link Request has failed.  Return codes are;                           *
*        Resp = 00000088  Resp2 = 00000414  Abend Code:                        *
*    A message was received from the target CICS system:                       *
*                                                                              *
 DFHAC2001 04/29/93 16:43:03 IYAHZCAZ Transaction 'BAD_' is unrecognized.  Check
 that the transaction name is correct.
*                                                                              *
*    >>>> Aborting further processing <<<<                                     *
*                                                                              *
*=================== End of EXCI Sample Client Program ========================*

If an error occurs while running the application, then, assuming the error is not severe, messages are written to the SYSPRINT output log displaying the reasons and/or return codes that cause processing to be aborted. Several examples of error-invoked output are shown in Figure 2, Figure 3, and Figure 4.

An example of the output produced by a successful execution of the pregenerated assembler version of the client program DFH$ATXC is shown in Figure 1. If an error occurs while running the application, errors are produced as for DFH$AXCC.

After running DFH$ATXC, program DFH$AXCC should be re-run. The output should be as shown in Figure 2. The changes up to and including records with RIDFLD values of 500000 were committed using an SRRCMIT call to tell RRS to tell CICS to perform commit processing. Later changes were backed out by issuing an SRRBACK call. This caused RRS to tell CICS to perform a ROLLBACK of these changes.

Clearly, FILEA is changed as a result of running DFH$ATXC. It should be restored to its original state by running the LOADFILE step of DFHDEFDS.