Retrieve information about temporary storage (TS) models.

In the CICS Explorer, the TS models operations view provides a functional equivalent to this command.


The CEMT INQUIRE TSMODEL command returns information about temporary storage models.

The resource signature

You can use this command to display the resource signature fields. You can use these fields to manage resources by capturing details of when the resource was defined, installed, and last changed. For more information, see Auditing resources. The resource signature fields are CHANGEAGENT, CHANGEAGREL, CHANGETIME, CHANGEUSRID, DEFINESOURCE, DEFINETIME, INSTALLAGENT, INSTALLTIME, and INSTALLUSRID. See Summary of the resource signature field values for detailed information about the content of the resource signature fields.


Press the Clear key to clear the screen. You can start this transaction in two ways:
  • Type CEMT INQUIRE TSMODEL (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords). The resulting display lists the status.
  • Type CEMT INQUIRE TSMODEL (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords), followed by the attributes that are necessary to limit the range of information that you require. For example, if you enter cemt i tsm main, the resulting display shows the details of only temporary storage models for main temporary storage queues.

If you place the cursor against a specific entry in the list and press Enter, CICS® displays an expanded format.

To change various attributes, overtype your changes on the INQUIRE screen after tabbing to the appropriate field (see Overtyping a display).

The default.
The name of the temporary storage model for which information is requested.



Displayed fields

Displays a value that identifies the agent that made the last change to the resource definition. You cannot use CEMT to filter on some of these values because they are duplicated. The possible values are as follows:
The resource definition was last changed by an EXEC CICS CREATE command.
The resource definition was last changed by a CEDA transaction or the programmable interface to DFHEDAP.
The resource definition was last changed by a DFHCSDUP job.
The resource definition was last changed by a CICSPlex SM BAS API command.
Displays the 4-digit number of the CICS release that was running when the resource definition was last changed.
CHANGETIME(date time)
Displays the date and time when the resource definition was last changed. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
Displays the 8-character user ID that ran the change agent.
Displays the source of the resource definition. The DEFINESOURCE value depends on the CHANGEAGENT option. For details, see Summary of the resource signature field values.
DEFINETIME(date time)
Displays the date and time when the resource was created. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
Start of changeEXPIRYINTMIN(value)End of change
Start of change Displays the expiry interval, in minutes, for temporary storage queues associated with this TS model. CICS uses the value rounded up to the nearest multiple of 10 minutes. If a temporary storage queue is not referenced during its expiry interval, it becomes eligible to be deleted automatically by CICS. A value of zero means that no expiry interval applies to queues matching this model, so they are never eligible for automatic deletion. CICS does not apply an expiry interval to recoverable, remote, or temporary storage queues, or temporary storage queues created by CICS. Starting with CICS TS 5.2, the expiry interval now also applies to shared temporary storage queues.End of change
Displays a value that identifies the agent that installed the resource. You cannot use CEMT to filter on some of these values because they are duplicated. The possible values are as follows:
The resource was installed by an EXEC CICS CREATE command.
The resource was installed by a CEDA transaction or the programmable interface to DFHEDAP.
The resource was installed by GRPLIST INSTALL.
INSTALLTIME(date time)
Displays the date and time when the resource was installed. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
Displays the 8-character user ID that installed the resource.
Displays the location where temporary storage queues associated with this TS model reside. The values are:
TS queues associated with this TS model are held in the auxiliary temporary storage VSAM data set DFHTEMP, or in temporary storage pools in the coupling facility.
TS queues associated with this TS model are held in main storage.
Displays an 8-character shared pool name.
Displays the prefix for this model as a 16-character string.
Displays the recovery status of the temporary storage queue. The values are as follows:
The temporary storage queue is recoverable.
The temporary storage queue is not recoverable.
Displays the remote prefix for this model as a 16-character string.
Displays the remote system name for this model as a 4-character string.
Displays the security status for this model. The values are as follows:
Security checking is performed for queue names matching this model.
Security checking is not performed for queue names matching this model.
Indicates that this panel relates to a TSMODEL inquiry and displays the 8-character name of a temporary storage model.
Note: Nondisplayable characters appear as periods. You can use PF2 on the expanded panel to see the value in hexadecimal.