Retrieve system information used by the CICS® dispatcher.

In the CICS Explorer, the Regions operations view provides a functional equivalent to this command.


Press the Clear key and type CEMT INQUIRE DISPATCHER. You will get a display screen.

To change attributes, you can:
  • Overtype your changes on the INQUIRE screen after tabbing to the appropriate field.
  • Use the CEMT SET DISPATCHER command.


Displays the number of L8 and L9 mode open TCBs that are currently allocated to tasks.
Displays the number of S8 mode open TCBS that are currently allocated to tasks.
Displays the number of T8 mode open TCBs that are currently allocated to tasks.
Displays the number of X8 and X9 mode open TCBs that are currently allocated to tasks.
Displays the time factor for CICS to use in the priority aging algorithm for incrementing the priority of a task. The value is expressed as “milliseconds per unit of priority”, and is in the range 0–65535.

The priority aging factor is defined initially by the PRTYAGE system initialization parameter, in which the value represents the number of milliseconds that must elapse before the priority of a waiting task can be adjusted upward by 1. For more information, see PRTYAGE system initialization parameter.

Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
Displays the maximum number of L8 and L9 mode open TCBs that can exist concurrently in the CICS region. CICS sets this limit automatically based on the maximum number of tasks specified for the CICS region (the MXT value) or explicitly by the MAXOPENTCBS system initialization parameter. For more information about open TCBs, see Open TCB management.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
Important: Start of changeBy default, CICS uses the MAXTASKS parameter to automatically assign a value to MAXOPENTCBS. Before you explicitly assign a value to MAXOPENTCBS, review the information in Setting the maximum task specification (MXT).End of change
Displays the maximum number of S8 mode open TCBs that can exist concurrently in the CICS region. The value can be in the range 1–1024. For more information about open TCBs, see Open TCB management.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
Displays the maximum number of T8 mode open TCBs that can exist concurrently in the CICS region for all enabled and disabled JVMSERVER resources; that is, the total number of threads reserved for all the JVM servers in the region. The number of threads reserved for each JVM server is the THREADLIMIT value on the JVMSERVER resource, plus 1 (the TCB that is reserved for the JVM server). For more information about THREADLIMIT, see JVMSERVER attributes. For more information about open TCBs, see Open TCB management.
Displays the maximum number of X8 and X9 mode open TCBs that can exist concurrently in the CICS region. CICS sets this limit automatically to a value equal to the maximum number of tasks specified for the CICS region (the MXT value) or explicitly by the MAXXPTCBS system initialization parameter. For more information about open TCBs, see Open TCB management.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
Important: Start of changeBy default, CICS uses the MAXTASKS parameter to automatically assign a value to MAXXPTCBS. Before you explicitly assign a value to MAXXPTCBS, review the information in Setting the maximum task specification (MXT).End of change
Displays the number of MRO requests from connected regions that are to be batched before this region is posted. It is a value in the range 1–255.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.
Displays the interval, in milliseconds, for which a task can have control before it is assumed to be looping.
Note: You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value.

If you are resetting this value, you can specify 0, or a value in the range 500–2700000. The value you specify is rounded down to a multiple of 500.

CICS purges a task if the task has not given up control after this interval (that is, CICS assumes that the task is looping). If you specify zero, runaway task control is inoperative (that is, tasks are not purged if they appear to be looping). The value is independent of, and can be less than, the value in the TIME operand.

CICS runaway-task detection is based upon task time (that is, the interval is reset each time a task receives control of the processor, and is then decremented while the task is in control). You do not, therefore, need to allow for the effect of other jobs when setting the runaway value.

Displays the terminal scan delay value for the CICS region, as specified by the ICVTSD system initialization parameter. The default value is zero. The terminal scan delay facility was used in earlier releases to limit how quickly CICS dealt with some types of terminal output requests made by applications, in order to spread the overhead for dealing with the requests. Specifying a nonzero value was sometimes appropriate where the CICS system used non-SNA networks. However, with SNA and IPIC networks, setting ICVTSD to 0 is appropriate to provide a better response time and best virtual storage usage. If required, you can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value in the range 0–5000 milliseconds.
Displays the value set by the SUBTSKS system initialization parameter, which can be either 0 or 1.
Displays the interval, in milliseconds, for which CICS releases control to the operating system if no transactions are ready to resume processing. This interval is known as the region exit interval.
  1. You can reset this value by overtyping it with a different value. It can have a value in the range 100–3600000, and must be greater than or equal to the SCANDELAY value.
  2. In the summary report of the dispatcher statistics, TIME is referred to as ICV.