Retrieve the name of the default initiation queue used for the connection between CICS® and WebSphere® MQ.

In the CICS Explorer, the Websphere MQ Initiation Queues operations view provides a functional equivalent to this command.


The INQUIRE MQINI command inquires on the name of the default initiation queue used for the connection between CICS and WebSphere MQ.

The MQINI resource represents the initiation queue. MQINI is an implicit resource that exists when you install an MQCONN resource definition in the CICS region with the INITQNAME attribute specified. Only one MQCONN resource definition can be installed at a time. The name of the MQINI resource is DFHMQINI.

The resource signature

You can use this command to display the resource signature fields. You can use these fields to manage resources by capturing details of when the resource was defined, installed, and last changed. For more information, see Auditing resources. The resource signature fields are CHANGEAGENT, CHANGEAGREL, CHANGETIME, CHANGEUSRID, DEFINESOURCE, DEFINETIME, INSTALLAGENT, INSTALLTIME, and INSTALLUSRID. See Summary of the resource signature field values for detailed information about the content of the resource signature fields.


Press the Clear key to clear the screen, and type CEMT INQUIRE MQINI (or suitable abbreviations for the keywords). The resulting display lists the current status. You can tab to the highlighted or blank fields and overtype them with the required values. To view the display in an expanded format, place the cursor against the resource name and press Enter.



Displayed fields

Displays a value that identifies the agent that made the last change to the resource definition. You cannot use CEMT to filter on some of these values because they are duplicated. The possible values are as follows:
The resource was autoinstalled as a result of specifying an initiation queue name on a CKQC START command, and the previously installed MQCONN definition did not specify a value for INITQNAME.
The resource was defined as a result of an MQCONN resource definition with INITQNAME specified.
Displays the 4-digit number of the CICS release that was running when the resource definition was last changed.
CHANGETIME(date time)
Displays the date and time when the resource definition was last changed. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
Displays the 8-character user ID that ran the change agent.
Displays the source of the resource definition. The DEFINESOURCE value depends on the CHANGEAGENT option. For details, see Summary of the resource signature field values.
DEFINETIME(date time)
Displays the date and time when the resource was created. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
Displays the 1- 48-character name of the default initiation queue that is represented by the MQINI resource.
Displays a value that identifies the agent that installed the resource. The possible values are as follows:
The resource was autoinstalled as a result of specifying an initiation queue name on a CKQC START command, and the previously installed MQCONN definition did not specify a value for INITQNAME.
The resource was installed as a result of the installation of an MQCONN with INITQNAME specified.
INSTALLTIME(date time)
Displays the date and time when the resource was installed. The format of the date depends on the value that you selected for the DATFORM system initialization parameter for your CICS region. The format of the time is hh:mm:ss.
Displays the 8-character user ID that installed the resource.