Using the KILL option for purging transactions

It is possible for a looping CICS task or shortage of CICS resources to bring all normal processing in a CICS region to a halt. The KILL option helps you to remove such tasks more quickly from a CICS region, with the minimum impact on the integrity of your systems.

About this task

You must use the KILL option only when it becomes impossible for you to cancel the task or tasks using any of the standard CICS mechanisms. The KILL option does not guarantee integrity of any kind, but in some situations allows you to free a stalled region, enabling the region to continue processing.


  1. Try to cancel the task using the PURGE or FORCEPURGE option on the CEMT SET TASK command.
    Both PURGE and FORCEPURGE could enable you to remove the task, retaining system and data integrity.
    If neither PURGE or FORCEPURGE respond within a reasonable time, use the KILL option.
  2. Use the KILL option on the appropriate command, depending on what task you are trying to cancel.
    The KILL option is available on CEMT SET TASK, CEMT SET CONNECTION, and CEMT SET TERMINAL commands.
  3. If you cannot list the active tasks in the system to determine which task or tasks should be canceled, use the CEKL transaction.
    1. Enter the command CEKL INQUIRE TASK to list information about tasks in the CICS region; for example, all tasks that are suspended.
    2. Enter the command CEKL SET TASK to cancel a selected task using the PURGE, FORCEPURGE or KILL option.