DFHZC3491 E date time applid netname Unable to make session XRF capable. sense ((instance) Module name: {DFHZLEX})


The active CICS system has attempted to OPNDST the session as XRF capable, but has been refused because the Network Control Program (NCP) has insufficient space to hold the control blocks for a future backup session from the alternate CICS system. This imbed is inserted in DFHZC xxxx messages with sense inserts. For the meaning of sense , see message DFHZC2400.

System action

CICS performs a SIMLOGON, but does not deem the session to be XRF capable. CICS therefore treats the terminal as class 2.

User response

No immediate action is necessary. You may need to increase the number of buffers in the NCP.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. netname
  5. sense
  6. instance
  7. Value chosen from the following options:
