DFHZC3455 E date time applid termid tranid Session initiation failure. Bind response from node netname contains an invalid session qualifier pair. sense ((instance) Module name: {DFHZOPX | DFHZOPX | DFHZOPX})


A remote secondary's response to a negotiable bind contained an invalid session qualifier pair in the user data field. Either it had an invalid format, or the primary SQ had been altered.

For the meaning of sense, see message DFHZC2400.

System action

Session initialization fails. The sent and received bind images are printed on the CSNE log.

User response

Correct the error in the remote system. If there is an invalid format, change it to LEN PSQ LEN SSQ.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. termid
  5. tranid
  6. netname
  7. sense
  8. instance
  9. Value chosen from the following options:
