DFHZC3452 E date time applid termid tranid Signal received - Code xxxx. sense ((instance) Module name: {DFHZASX | DFHZASX})


CICS has received a SIGNAL command from a logical unit. The SIGNAL codes received with the SIGNAL command are made available to the DFHZNEP user program.

If a task is active, the SIGNAL condition is raised on return to the application program. This message is produced only when SIGNAL codes are passed to the node abnormal condition program (DFHZNAC). CICS does this for Type 4 logical units only. This imbed is inserted in DFHZC xxxx messages with sense inserts. For the meaning of sense , see message DFHZC2400.

System action

If the SIGNAL code is 0001 0000 (request change direction), any further output request will cause the IGREQCD condition to be raised. All SIGNAL codes will cause the SIGNAL condition to be raised.

User response

For logical units for which CICS enforces SIGNAL request change direction, if the code is 0001 0000, issue a receive request or terminate transaction tranid.

If the code is NOT 0001 0000, terminate transaction tranid and refer to the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming manual for further guidance.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. termid
  5. tranid
  6. xxxx
  7. sense
  8. instance
  9. Value chosen from the following options:
