DFHZC3412 E date time applid termid tranid Intervention required on secondary resource. sense ((instance) Module name: {DFHZNAC})


Operator action is requested for the secondary resource of a logical unit (LU). However, no such resource is immediately available. In the case of a 3270-compatible LU, this message means that the printer most likely to be available for a PRINT request has an Intervention Required status. This imbed is inserted in DFHZC xxxx messages with sense inserts. For the meaning of sense , see message DFHZC2400.

System action

The system waits for a logical unit status message and, when this is received, takes appropriate system action.

User response

Correct the problem that relates to the device.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. termid
  5. tranid
  6. sense
  7. instance
  8. Value chosen from the following options:
