DFHZC0200 applid An attempt by the COVR transaction to OPEN VTAM has failed with return code X'retcode'; CICS will retry.


The COVR transaction has attempted an EXEC CICS SET VTAM OPEN, but the operation failed with the return code retcode from the OPEN ACB.

System action

CICS continues. The COVR transaction retries the operation every 5 seconds. This message is reissued every minute until the operation succeeds, or until 10 minutes has passed, in which case message DFHZC0201 is issued.

User response

Investigate the reason for VTAM being unavailable. See the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming manual for an explanation of the ACB return code.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid
  2. X'retcode'

