DFHZC0176 date time applid VTAM was unable to execute a CHANGE OPTCD=ENDAFFIN macro to end an affinity between this application, which is a member of generic resource grname, and a remote LU with netid netid netname netname. VTAM return code: X'rc', FDB2: X'fd', R15: X'r15'.


An attempt was made to end an affinity between this CICS, which is a member of generic resource grname, and a remote LU with netid netid and netname netname by means of a SET CONNECTION ENDAFFINITY or PERFORM ENDAFFINITY command. The attempt has failed because a problem with VTAM prevented the VTAM CHANGE OPTCD=ENDAFFINITY macro from being issued.

VTAM has issued the return code-feedback (RTNCD,FDB2) X'rc',X'fd' in response to the CHANGE OPTCD=ENDAFFINITY macro.

R15 r15 is the register 15 value returned by VTAM.

System action

Processing continues. VTAM has made no attempt to end the affinity.

User response

See the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming for the meaning of the RTNCD,FDB2 and for guidance on correcting the problem.

When the problem has been corrected retry the command.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. date
  2. time
  3. applid
  4. grname
  5. netid
  6. netname
  7. X'rc'
  8. X'fd'
  9. X'r15'
