DFHZC0173 applid CICS deregistration from VTAM generic resource name grname failed. VTAM return code: X'rc'. FDB2: X'fd'.


CICS failed to deregister from VTAM generic resource group grname.

VTAM returned a RTNCD,FDB2 of rc,fd in response to the SETLOGON OPTCD=GNAMEDEL macro.

This may be due to a hardware failure in another part of the sysplex or to corruption of the TCT prefix causing CICS to attempt to deregister with the wrong name.

System action

An AP exception trace entry is output with a trace point of X'FB8E'.

User response

Use the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming to determine the meaning of the register 15 and register 0 values output by VTAM. If the problem is not caused by use of the wrong version of VTAM, you will need further assistance from IBM. See Working with IBM to solve your problem for guidance on how to proceed.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid
  2. grname
  3. X'rc'
  4. X'fd'

