DFHZC0171 applid CICS registration as a VTAM generic resource in the group grname failed. VTAM return code: X'rc'. FDB2: X'fd'.


CICS failed to register as a VTAM generic resource in the group grname.

VTAM returned a RTNCD,FDB2 of rc,fd in response to the SETLOGON OPTCD=GNAMEADD macro.

System action

An AP exception trace entry is output with trace point FB8E.

CICS continues without generic resource support.

User response

Use the z/OS Communications Server: SNA Programming to determine the meaning of the RTNCD,FDB2 and the actions necessary to correct the problem.

When the problem has been corrected a further attempt may be made to register CICS as a generic resource by closing and reopening the VTAM ACB.



XMEOUT parameters/Message inserts

  1. applid
  2. grname
  3. X'rc'
  4. X'fd'

