Dynamic transaction routing

Dynamic routing models:

Dynamic routing of terminal-initiated transactions uses the “hub” routing model described in The hub model.

Specifying DYNAMIC(YES) means that you want the chance to route the terminal data to an alternative transaction at the time the defined transaction is invoked. CICS manages this by allowing a user-replaceable program, called the dynamic routing program, to intercept the terminal input data and specify that it be redirected to any transaction and system. The default dynamic routing program, supplied with CICS, is named DFHDYP. You can modify the supplied program, or replace it with one that you write yourself. You can also use the DTRPGM system initialization parameter to specify the name of the program that is invoked for dynamic routing, if you want to name your program something other than DFHDYP. For programming information about user-replaceable programs in general, and about DFHDYP in particular, see Writing a dynamic routing program. For information about system initialization parameters, see Specifying CICS system initialization parameters.