Terminal services

JCICS provides support for these CICS® terminal services commands.

Methods JCICS class EXEC CICS Commands
converse() TerminalPrincipalFacility CONVERSE
  Not supported HANDLE AID
receive() TerminalPrincipalFacility RECEIVE
send() TerminalPrincipalFacility SEND
  Not supported WAIT TERMINAL

If a task has a terminal allocated as a principal facility, CICS automatically creates two Java™ PrintWriter components that can be used as standard output and standard error streams. These components are mapped to the task terminal. The two streams, which have the names out and err, are public files in the Task object and can be used in the same way as System.out and System.err.

Data to be sent to a terminal must be provided in a Java byte array. Data is read from the terminal into a DataHolder object. CICS provides the storage for the returned data which is deallocated when the program ends.

dfhpj28.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019