Foundation Classes—reference

This section contains the reference information on the foundation classes and structures that are provided as part of CICS®. The classes and structures are arranged in alphabetic order. All the functionality you require to create object-oriented CICS programs is included within these classes and structures.

All of the classes and structures begin with the unique prefix Icc. Do not create your own classes with this prefix.

Icc structure contains some functions and enumerations that are widely applicable. IccValue structure consists of a large enumeration of all the CVDA values used in traditional CICS programs.

The description of each class starts with a simple diagram that shows how it is derived from IccBase class, the basis of all the other classes. This is followed by a short description and an indication of the name of the header file that includes it and, where appropriate, a sample source file that uses it.

Within each class or structure description are, where appropriate, the following sections:
  1. Inheritance diagram
  2. Brief description of class
  3. Header file where class is defined. For the location of the C++ header files on your system see Header files.
  4. Sample program demonstrating class. For the location of the supplied C++ sample programs on your system see C++ sample programs.
  5. Icc… constructors
  6. Public methods (in alphabetic order)
  7. Protected methods (in alphabetic order)
  8. Inherited public methods (in tabular form)
  9. Inherited protected methods (in tabular form)
  10. Enumerations

Methods, including constructors, start with a formal function prototype that shows what a call returns and what the parameters are. There follows a description, in order, of the parameters. To avoid duplication, inherited methods just have an indication of the class from which they are derived (and where they are described).

The convention for names is:
  1. Variable names are shown as variable.
  2. Names of classes, structures, enumerations and methods are shown as method
  3. Members of enumerations are shown as 'enumMember'.
  4. The names of all the supplied classes and structures begin with Icc.
  5. Compound names have no separators, but have capital letters to demark the beginning of second and subsequent words, as in IccJournalTypeId.
  6. Class and structure names and enumeration types begin with capital letters. Other names begin with lowercase letters.
For further information on how to use these classes, see Using the CICS foundation classes.

dfhal0l.html | Timestamp icon Last updated: Thursday, 27 June 2019