Error severity

Compilation errors can have the following severity levels (from the highest to the lowest):
An unrecoverable error. Compilation failed because of an internal compile-time error.
A severe error. Compilation failed due to one of the following:
  • An unrecoverable program error has been detected. Processing of the source file stops, and XL Fortran does not produce an object file. You can usually correct this error by fixing any program errors that were reported during compilation.
  • Conditions exist that the compiler could not correct. An object file is produced; however, you should not attempt to run the program.
  • An internal compiler table has overflowed. Processing of the program stops, and XL Fortran does not produce an object file.
  • An include file does not exist. Processing of the program stops, and XL Fortran does not produce an object file.
An error that the compiler can correct. The program should run correctly.
Warning message. It does not signify an error but may indicate some unexpected condition.
Warning message that was generated by one of the compiler options that check for conformance to various language levels. It may indicate a language feature that you should avoid if you are concerned about portability.
Informational message. It does not indicate any error, just something that you should be aware of to avoid unexpected behavior or to improve performance.
  • The message levels S and U indicate a compilation failure.
  • The message levels I, L, W, and E do not indicate a compilation failure.
By default, the compiler stops without producing output files if it encounters a severe error (severity S). However, you can control how the messages are generated by using the following options: