
Include the standard header <ctime> to effectively include the standard header <time.h> within the std namespace.

#include <time.h>

namespace std {
using ::clock_t; using ::size_t;
using ::time_t; using ::tm;
using ::asctime; using ::clock; using ::ctime;
using ::difftime; using ::gmtime; using ::localtime;
using ::mktime; using ::strftime; using ::time;
Note: The Standard C++ library works in conjunction with the headers from the Standard C library. For information about the Standard C library, refer to the documentation that is supplied with the operating system.

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Certain materials included or referred to in this document are copyright P.J. Plauger and/or Dinkumware, Ltd. or are based on materials that are copyright P.J. Plauger and/or Dinkumware, Ltd.

Notwithstanding the meta-data for this document, copyright information for this document is as follows:

Copyright © IBM Corp. 1999, 2014. & Copyright © P.J. Plauger and/or Dinkumware, Ltd. 1992-2006.