isDefaultWSRRDefinition command

Use the isDefaultWSRRDefinition command to return true or false, depending on whether the specified WSRR definition is the current cell default.

Use the following command to list all the WSRR administrative commands:
$AdminTask help SIBXWSRRAdminCommands

The isDefaultWSRRDefinition command is run using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.


The following conditions must be met:
  • The command must be run on the deployment manager node.
  • If the deployment manager is stopped, use the wsadmin -conntype none option to run the command in disconnected mode.
  • If the deployment manager is running, you must connect with a user ID that has WebSphere Application Server configurator privileges. Do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.


Start the wsadmin scripting client from the deployment_manager_profile/bin directory. The isDefaultWSRRDefinition command does not write to a log file, but the wsadmin scripting client always writes a profile_root/logs/wsadmin.traceout log file where you will find exception stack traces and other information.


-name definitionName 


-name definitionName
A required parameter that specifies the name of the WSRR definition, as a string.


wsadmin>AdminTask.isDefaultWSRRDefinition( ['-name', 'MydefName'] )

Note on interactive usage

When you use a WSRR command in interactive mode, you can ignore the prompt for a Target WSRR definition, because the target WSRR definition is optional. Press Enter and you will be prompted for the Name of the WSRR definition. This allows you to enter the name. When you enter the name, you see the expected output without the error message; for example, if you enter the definition name when prompted for the target definition, you get a message similar to the following:
Check if a WSRR definition is the default  

Check if a WSRR definition is the default  

Target WSRR definition: 
Name (name): testDefinition  

Check if a WSRR definition is the default  

F (Finish) 
C (Cancel)  

Select [F, C]: [F] F 
WASX7278I: Generated command line: 
AdminTask.isDefaultWSRRDefinition('[-name testDefinition ]') 