This topic applies only to the IBM Business Process Manager Advanced configuration.

createVersionedSCAModule command

This command creates a unique instance of an SCA module EAR file. The SCA module must have the sca.module.attributes file as part of its content. The sca.module.attributes file exists for all versioned SCA modules before IBM® Business Process Manager Advanced Version 8.0 and for all modules created with Integration Designer Version 8.0.

Use the createVersionedSCAModule command to create a new instance of an SCA module when you want to deploy the same versioned module across multiple clusters in a cell. You must use this command once for each additional instance of the module you want to deploy. The new instance is created in a new EAR file; the new EAR file name contains the module version value and the specified unique cell ID.


Start the wsadmin scripting client from the install_root/profiles/deployment_manager_profile/bin directory.


-archiveAbsolutePath input_archive_dir
-workingDirectory working_dir
[-uniqueCellID unique_cell_ID]

Required parameters

-archiveAbsolutePath input_archive_dir
A required parameter that identifies the full path to an existing EAR file for the versioned SCA module (for example, /myDir/billingProcess_v1_0_1_CellA1App.ear).
-workingDirectory working_dir
A required parameter that identifies the full path of the working directory where the createVersionedSCAModule command does the work associated with copying and renaming the original module (for example, C:\temp). Ensure that read and write permissions have been set for this directory.

Optional parameters

-uniqueCellID unique_cell_ID
A parameter that provides an ID for the new instance of the module, to uniquely identify it within the cell to which the EAR file is deployed (for example, CellAClusterBHost4). If you do not specify this parameter, no uniquely named instance of the EAR file is created.

Command output

The createVersionedSCAModule returns a uniquely named instance of the SCA module to the same directory that contains the original module (input_archive_dir).


The following example illustrates how to create a new instance of a previously installed versioned SCA module named billingProcess. In this example, the original module is version 1.0.1 and it is stored in c:/myDir/billingProcess_v1_0_1.ear.

$AdminTask createVersionedSCAModule {
   -archiveAbsolutePath C:/myDir/billingProcess_v1_0_1.ear 
   -workingDirectory C:/tempAppDirectory 
   -uniqueCellID CellA1}
The command creates billingProcess_v1_0_1_CellA1App.ear in the C:/myDir directory.