BPMClearWSICache command

Use this command in Process Server to clear the web service integration cache of WSDL and XSD definitions when the WSDL of the web service provider changes during the lifecycle of the server or cluster. The server or cluster is the deployment target of the web service integration.

Use this command when there is an incompatible change in the web service provider's WSDL definitions of operations, parameters, and other elements but the web service integration uses the same WSDL URL or endpoint. The command removes the cached WSDL and XSD metadata model data for a specific web service integration or for all web service integrations. In the Process Server environment, the BPMClearWSICache command is a convenient alternative to restarting the server or cluster, which also clears the cache. Because the new WSDL definitions load when the cache is repopulated, ensure that you run this command or restart the server or cluster before the web service consumer invokes the provider.

Run the BPMClearWSICache command by using the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.


Note: In an environment with multiple security domains configured, use the PALService MBean instead of this wsadmin command. See The Process Application LifeCycle (PAL) MBean.
The following conditions must be met:
  • Run the command in the connected mode; that is, do not use the wsadmin -conntype none option.
  • Use the BPMClearWSICache command in connected mode from Process Server. In a network deployment environment, you must run this command on the node that contains the application cluster member that handles Process Server applications. Do not run this command from the deployment manager profile.
    Tip: If you are using a SOAP connection, the command can take longer to complete than the specified SOAP timeout value. Although the command continues to run until it is finished, you might see a read timed out exception (java.net.SocketTimeoutException). To prevent this exception, set a higher value for the com.ibm.SOAP.requestTimeout property in the profile_root/properties/soap.client.props file.
  • You must be an administrator.


Start the wsadmin scripting client from the custom_profile/bin directory.


-wsdlURL URL


-wsdlURL URL
A required parameter that contains the URL of the specific web service definitions that you want to remove from the cache or the value all. Use all to clear the cache of all web service definitions. The URL must be an absolute URL without any environment variables. For example, http://servername:8088/mockWS_Hello_V2SoapSoapBinding?WSDL is a valid URL but http://<# (http://%3C#) tw.env.myHostName #>:8088/mockWS_Hello_V2SoapSoapBinding?WSDL is not because it contains a variable.


The following examples show how to use the BPMClearWSICache command.
  • Clear the cache of all web service definitions:
    wsadmin -conntype SOAP -port 4080 -host PS1.mycompany.com -user admin -password admin -lang jython
    wsadmin>AdminTask.BPMClearWSICache ('[-wsdlURL all]')
  • Clear the cache of a specific web service definition:
    wsadmin -conntype SOAP -port 4080 -host PS1.mycompany.com -user admin -password admin -lang jython 
    wsadmin>AdminTask.BPMClearWSICache ('[-wsdlURL http://servername:8088/mockWS_Hello_V2SoapSoapBinding?WSDL]')