Coach and coach view troubleshooting

The following sections list issues that you might encounter and information about possible solutions.

For more help troubleshooting coaches, see Enabling tracing for Coaches.

viewScope.context is null message

This message can occur when registered event listeners are not unregistered. For example, you have a coach view, and you register event listeners for your coach view in its load event handler. The unload event handler releases the resources used by the coach view. If you do not unregister the event listeners, they might try to access these resources, which causes the viewScope.context is null message.

Coach views that are bound to re-initialized complex objects might contain old data

Coach views that are bound to complex objects might not refresh data when the runtime flow returns to a coach that contains these coach views. An example of a complex object is a business object.

To make your coach view aware of changes to a complex object, use one of the following techniques:

  • Create a callback to capture changes to the complex object:
    1. In the load event handler of the coach view, add the following code: this.context.binding.get("value").bindAll(this.myChange, this);
    2. Define the myChange event handler in the coach view JavaScript. Add the logic to handle properties changes.
    3. In the change event handler, call bindAll() to rebind to the properties. This step is necessary because the previous binding subscriptions are lost when the complex object is replaced.
  • Create a flag to indicate that the complex object has changed:
    1. Add a variable of a simple type such as Boolean or String to the human service.
    2. Bind the variable as a configuration option to the coach view.
    3. Add server-side scripting that updates the variable when the complex object changes. The change in the configuration option variable invokes the change event handler for the coach view.
    4. Add code to handle the changes in the complex object.

The new Clear button for text input fields in Internet Explorer 10 does not work

Windows Internet Explorer 10 introduces a new Clear button for text input fields. However, the Clear button does not always work properly with IBM® BPM. To prevent the Clear button from being displayed, implement the ::-ms-clear pseudo element. For more information, see Microsoft: How to hide the Clear button in Windows Internet Explorer 10.

If the problem doesn't get resolved after you implement the ::-ms-clear pseudo element, it may be because JR50706 is required for IBM BPM versions earlier than