IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

Populating the TRIRIGA parameters in Revit with Revit model data

The Populate Parameters tool loads predefined IBM® TRIRIGA® parameters into the open Autodesk Revit model and populates them with the model values. You specify how to update the TRIRIGA parameters. For example, you might want to populate the IBM.Description parameter with the Revit model parameter data only if the TRIRIGA parameter is blank.

About this task

IBM TRIRIGA Connector for BIM uses the name generation formats that you specified to populate the IBM.Name and IBM.ModelName parameters, and populates the other TRIRIGA parameters from the Revit model parameter values. You can view the populated parameters in the Revit schedule for the TRIRIGA parameters.


  1. Open the Revit model and select IBM TRIRIGA > Populate parameters.
  2. For each parameter in the Parameter column, click the update button for the type of update to use for the parameter.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Optional: To view and modify the parameter values, use the Revit schedule for the TRIRIGA parameters. For example, the IBM.Floor schedule lists all the floors in the model. Each floor name is in the format that you specified as the TRIRIGA configuration for the TRIRIGA floor name generation. You can review the TRIRIGA parameters for model and building in the Revit project information.
