IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

TRIRIGA Connector for BIM overview

The IBM® TRIRIGA® Connector for BIM solution is an add-in building information modeling (BIM) product that you install in an Autodesk Revit application. The add-in product provides bidirectional tools that integrate your Revit project data with the TRIRIGA environment and enhance the standard Revit functions.

In the Revit application, you access the TRIRIGA Connector for BIM tools from the IBM TRIRIGA tab.

The TRIRIGA Connector for BIM add-in can function when more than one instance of Revit is running.

When you create and link to new TRIRIGA records, TRIRIGA Connector for BIM uses the Revit model values to populate the TRIRIGA records. When you change linked records in TRIRIGA or Revit models, you need to synchronize the values so that they match in both applications.
