IBM TRIRIGA and IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform

Version 10.5.0 and 3.5.0

Getting Started with UX

This guide provides tips for getting started with the new UX Framework for Perceptive Applications in IBM® TRIRIGA® version 10.5.0 and IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform version 3.5.0

Product overview

The IBM TRIRIGA solution introduces a new UX framework for building applications that allow you to more easily meet business requirements with an intuitive user interface, compatibility with touch interfaces, and improved performance.

Step 1: Review the UX framework documentation

After you install or upgrade your product, and review the product documentation, see the documentation about the UX Framework for Perceptive Applications.

Step 2: Check out the new Perceptive applications on a desktop computer

Enter the following URL address in your web browser's address bar:

http://[hostname:port][/context_path], where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the specific values for your IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform environment. For example, if you are accessing the environment locally: http://localhost:9080/dev

To open the Space Assessment app or the Space Management app, select Space > Assess Space from the navigation bar and select the app.

Step 3: Check out the new Perceptive applications on a tablet device

Enter the following URL address in your web browser's address bar:

http://[hostname:port][/context_path]/p/web/[yourApp], where [hostname:port] and [/context_path] are the specific values for your IBM TRIRIGA Application Platform environment, and [yourApp] is the exposed name of your Perceptive application.

For example, to access the Space Assessment app or Space Management app locally, enter the following URL. http://localhost:9080/dev/p/web/spaceAssessment or http://localhost:9080/dev/p/web/spaceManagement

Step 4: Build your own applications in the UX framework.

You can build your own UX applications on your desktop web browser.

To build an application, follow the UX Articles on the TRIRIGA wiki.

More information

For more information, see the following resources.