IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

Submitting self-service requests

You can submit your requests for service from an online form. Your service request is automatically routed for approval and sent to a service provider. After work is complete, you receive notification and a survey form.

Before you begin

You must sign in as a user in a role with a Request Central portal section.

About this task

For detailed information about how to submit self-service requests, see the IBM® TRIRIGA® Self-Service videos that are in the Media Library of the IBM TRIRIGA wiki:
IBM TRIRIGA Self-Service Users - Requesting Services
Includes information about how to use Request Central to make online requests for services, repairs, or products and to manage and track each request.
IBM TRIRIGA Self-Service Users - Making Reservations
Includes information about how to use Request Central to reserve resources like meeting rooms, workspaces, food services, vehicles, and equipment.
IBM TRIRIGA Self-Service Users - Making Reservations from Outlook
Includes information about how to use the IBM TRIRIGA reservation add-in for Outlook messaging software to create appointments in Outlook and connect to IBM TRIRIGA to reserve company resources.


  1. Expand the section for which you are requesting service.
    Role Action
    Request Central role In the Request Central portal section, expand the section for which you are requesting service.
    Other roles Select Requests > My Requests. In the Request Central portal section, expand the section for which you are requesting service.
  2. Select the type of service request.
  3. Specify the details for your request.
  4. Create a draft and review the form.
  5. Submit the request.
