IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

Getting started with IBM TRIRIGA

To start using IBM® TRIRIGA®, it is important to understand the product components and how to navigate through the components. It is also important to understand how data is organized, accessed, and presented, and how the IBM TRIRIGA environment can be customized for individual users.

The information that users need to get started with IBM TRIRIGA is presented in three videos that are located in the Media Library of the IBM TRIRIGA wiki:

IBM TRIRIGA - Components
Includes information about components such as portals, forms, and menus, and how to use the components.
IBM TRIRIGA - Business objects and forms
Includes information about how data is defined, processed, and displayed to users.
IBM TRIRIGA - Customizing
Includes information about ways to personalize a user's environment such as the home page, portal layout, reports, bookmarks, notifications, passwords, and security.
