IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

Creating planning drawings

A planning drawing is a modified copy of an attached drawing. Typically, you create a planning drawing based on a request for changes to a current floor plan, building plan, or set of spaces. For example, you might receive a request to modify a drawing so that a large space is divided into smaller spaces. After you publish the planning drawing, an authorized user can view and report on the current drawing and the planning drawing in the TRIRIGA® environment.

About this task

A planned drawing request is typically initiated by a move planner in the TRIRIGA environment. You save a copy of the original drawing as the planning drawing. You attach the planning drawing to the planning record and make the requested changes to the planning drawing.


  1. Open the original attached drawing.
  2. Select IBM TRIRIGA > Drawing > Create Planning Drawing.
  3. Create the planning drawing:
    1. Select the planning application definition and capital project to use for the planning drawing.
    2. Specify the path and the file name for the copy of the original drawing. The copy is the planning drawing.
    3. From the tree, select the planning record to attach the planning drawing to, and click Create.
    4. For AutoCAD, close the original drawing.
  4. Update the planning drawing objects.
  5. Detach any removed planning objects, and attach any added planning objects to the planning records.
  6. Publish the planning drawing.
