IBM TRIRIGA Version 10.5.0

User licenses

You must add users to licenses for purchased products. You add users to licenses in Tools > Administration > License Manager. A user can be assigned to more than one license. Each user requires a valid license to access each application.

You save licenses after the application is installed but before the application server is started. You can save the license in the config folder of the installation root directory, for example, C:\Tririga\config\licenses. Each license is a record and the file name corresponds with the licensed product.

In the License Manager, you select the license that you want to add users to, and then select the users to add to the license.

You can customize the License Manager query for the Add User action. To run your customized query instead of the default query, in the Report Manager application you can name your query Security License List. You can see a list of all users in the People Manager application.

The licenses that are shown in the License Manager are synchronized with the licenses shown in user profiles. Any changes that are made in one location are automatically updated in the other location.
