historyInfo command

The historyInfo command generates a report that includes a history of installed or uninstalled fix packs and interim fixes.

Product history information

The historyInfo tool displays important data about the product, such as the build version and build date. History information for installation and removal of fix packs and interim fixes also displays in the report. This tool is particularly useful when working with support personnel to determine the cause of any problem.

Product history reports:

The following report-generation scripts display installed product information:
  • historyInfo script

    Lets you use parameters to create a history report.

  • genHistoryReport script

    Generates the historyReport.html report file in the current working directory, which is usually the bin directory.

Location of the command file



Syntax for the historyInfo command

The command syntax is:

./historyInfo.sh [ -format text | html ]
               [ -file file_name ]
               [ -offeringID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering 
                 | -maintenancePackageID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering (-maintenancePackageID is deprecated) ]
               [ -component component_name ] (deprecated and performs no action)

historyInfo [ -help | /help | -? | /? | -usage ]
historyInfo [ -format text | html ]
            [ -file file_name ]
            [ -offeringID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering 
              | -maintenancePackageID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering (-maintenancePackageID is deprecated) ]
            [ -component component_name ] (deprecated and performs no action)

historyInfo [ -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage ]

Issue the command from the bin directory of the app_server_root directory.


-? or /?
Displays command syntax.
-component component_name
This parameter is deprecated and performs no action.
-file file_name
Specifies the output file name. The report goes to standard output (stdout) by default.
-format text | html
Selects the format of the report. The default is text.
-help or /help
Displays command syntax.
-maintenancePackageID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering
This option is deprecated and equivalent to using -offeringID.
-offeringID ID_of_Installation_Manager_offering
Specifies the ID of the Installation Manager offering. When it is specified, the product history report displays events for only the named offering. When it is not specified, the report displays events for all offerings.
Displays command syntax.

Report description

The historyInfo command reports the following information:

Installation information

Displays the following general information about the current installation:
  • Report date and time - The date and time that the report was generated. The timestamp is formatted according to the current locale.
  • Product Directory - The file path to the installation root directory of the product.
  • Version Directory - The file path of the version directory of the current product installation.
  • DTD Directory - The file path of the DTD directory of the current installation.
  • Log Directory - The file path of the log directory of the current installation. The fix pack and interim fix log files are in the directory.

Installation event information

Displays the list of installed fix packs and interim fixes as well as the following related information:
  • Installation Manager Offering ID or Fix ID - The ID of the offering or product installed using Installation Manager.
  • Action - The action taken.
  • Version - Either the version of the interim fix or the version of the product after the action was performed.
  • Log File Name - The file path of the log file generated during the event.
  • Timestamp - The time when the action occurred. The time is stated in relation to GMT.
  • Result - The result of the action. The result is either success, partial success, or failure.
  • Installed Features - The features installed on the product.