Migrating federated nodes for z/OS

When you migrate federated nodes to WebSphere® Application Server Version 9.0, use the available planning information, high-level migration checklists, and detailed migration explanations to learn how to generate the migration jobs and plan your migration.

Before you begin

Supported configurations:

This topic is about profile configuration migration. To migrate your applications to the latest version, use the WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit.

Read Overview of migration, coexistence, and interoperability and Migration considerations.

For resources to help you plan and perform your migration, visit Knowledge Collection: Migration planning for WebSphere Application Server.

Important: Before you migrate a federated node, you must migrate its deployment manager first. If you have not migrated the deployment manager, read Migrating WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment configurations on the z/OS operating system and then return to this article after you migrate the deployment manager.

About this task

Complete this task to migrate a WebSphere Application Server for z/OS® Version 7.0 or later federated node to Version 9.0.

For transitioning users: The following products previously required separate migration tools but are now migrated as part of the standard migration procedures:
  • WebSphere Extended Deployment Compute Grid or Feature Pack for Modern Batch
  • WebSphere Virtual Enterprise or Intelligent Management
  • For help, read Troubleshooting migration.
  • For a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cell, the applications are migrated during deployment-manager migration rather than during migration of its federated nodes.
  • You can reuse the same target datasets, file system, and Job Control Language (JCL) procedures for your federated nodes that you used for the deployment manager.


  1. Print the Migrating a z/OS federated node: Checklist, and use it as you conduct your migration.
  2. Inventory your applications for the node being migrated, and capture key information as described in Preparing to migrate a WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment cell for z/OS.
  3. Generate a set of migration jobs and instructions.

    Read Preparing to migrate a federated node using the z/OS Migration Management Tool and Processing a migration definition using the z/OS Migration Management Tool for information on generating and uploading your migration definition using the z/OS Migration Management Tool.

    Read Using the zmmt command to create migration definitions on z/OS for information on generating migration definitions using the zmmt command.

  4. Follow the customized instructions in the BBOMMINS member of the CNTL dataset that you generated, and refer to the information in Migrating a z/OS federated node.

What to do next

After you migrate the federated node, use the WebSphere Application Server for z/OS Version 9.0 administrative console or scripting to administer the migrated federated node.