CSLODBM procedure

Use the CSLODBM procedure to dynamically override the settings in the ODBM initialization parameters member of the IMS PROCLIB data set (CSLDIxxx).

You can start ODBM as a started procedure or with JCL. A sample startup procedure called CSLODBM can be found in IMS.SDFSISRC.


The following list identifies the parameters that you can specify as execution parameters on the startup procedure for ODBM. The ARMRST, ODBMCFG, and ODBMNAME parameters that are required for ODBM initialization and the optional RRS parameter can also be specified in the CSLDIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set, documented in CSLDIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set. Parameters specified on the ODBM procedure override those specified in the CSLDIxxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.

  • RRS=

Parameters are described in Parameter descriptions for IMS procedures.

Sample ODBM startup procedure

The JCL for CSLODBM is shown in the following example.

//*     ODBM Procedure                                                    
//*     Parameters:                                                     
//*     BPECFG  - Name of BPE member                                    
//*     BPEINIT  - CSLDINI0, the module that contains the ODBM start up values
//*     ODBMINIT  - Suffix for your CSLDIxxx member                       
//*     PARM1   - other override parameters:                        
//*               ARMRST  - Indicates if ARM should be used             
//*               ODBMNAME  - Name of ODBM being started                
//*               ODBMCFG  - Suffix for your CSLDCxxx member            
//*               RRS     - Indicates RRS is (Y) or is not (N) used     
//*               example:                                              
//*               PARM1='ARMRST=Y,ODBMNAME=ODBM1,ODBMCFG=000,RRS=N'     
//*  Licensed Materials - Property of IBM                              
//*  5635-A02                                                          
//*  Copyright IBM Corp. 2011      All Rights Reserved                 
//*  US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or       
//*  disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule contract with           
//*  IBM Corp.                                                         
//CSLODBM    PROC RGN=3000K,SOUT=A,                                       
//             RESLIB='IMS.SDFSRESL',                                   
//             BPECFG=BPECONFG,                                         
//             ODBMINIT=000,                                              
//             PARM1=                                                   
//ODBMPROC   EXEC PGM=BPEINI00,REGION=&RGN,                             
//STEPLIB  DD  DSN=&RESLIB,DISP=SHR                                     
//         DD  DSN=SYS1.CSSLIB,DISP=SHR                                 
//PROCLIB  DD  DSN=IMS.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR                                 
//SYSPRINT DD  SYSOUT=&SOUT                                             
//SYSUDUMP DD  SYSOUT=&SOUT                                             