DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Setting up the PHP environment for IBM Data Server products on Windows

Before you can connect to an IBM® database server and run SQL statements, you must set up the PHP environment.

Before you begin

You must have the following required software installed on your system:


To install the ibm_db2 and pdo_ibm php extensions:

  1. Copy the ibm_db2 and pdo_ibm extension files into the \ext\ subdirectory of your PHP installation directory. The ibm_db2 and pdo_ibm extension files can be obtained from the following sources:
    Note: If you installed the IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI software, you must obtain the ibm_db2 and pdo_ibm extension files separately from the PHP Extension Community Library (PECL).
    • If you have thread safe PHP environment, copy the following extension files from the IBM Data Server product installation path into the \ext\ subdirectory of your PHP installation directory:
      • php_ibm_db2_X_X_XXX_ts.dll
      • php_pdo_ibm_X_X_XXX_ts.dll
    • If you have non-thread safe PHP environment, copy the following extension files from the IBM Data Server product installation path into the \ext\ subdirectory of your PHP installation directory:
      • php_ibm_db2_X_X_XXX_nts.dll
      • php_pdo_ibm_X_X_XXX_nts.dll
  2. Open the php.ini file in an editor of your choice. Edit the extension entry in the php.ini file in the PHP installation directory to reference the PHP driver.
    • For the thread safe PHP environment:
    • For the non-thread safe PHP environment:
  3. Optional: If the PHP application that is connecting to an IBM database server is running in the HTTP server environment, restart the HTTP Server so the new configuration settings take effect.