DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Installing a DB2 database product using the db2_install or doce_install command (Linux and UNIX)

To install DB2® database products and features or the DB2 Information Center, extract the product image if it is a compressed file and then issue the db2_install or doce_install commands.

About this task

The db2_install command installs DB2 database products and features on supported Linux and UNIX operating systems.

The doce_install command installs the DB2 Information Center on supported Linux operating systems.


You cannot manually install a DB2 database product or feature using an operating system's native installation utility such as rpm, SMIT, swinstall or pkgadd. Any existing scripts containing a native installation utility that you use to interface and query with DB2 database installations will need to change.

The db2_install command is not supported on the National Language Package DVD.

Only one copy of the DB2 Information Center for the current release can be installed on your system. The Information Center cannot be installed in the same location where a DB2 database product is installed. If you install the DB2 Information Center on a system with a firewall, and you plan to allow other systems to access the DB2 Information Center, you must open the port in your firewall setting.

Before you begin

Before you install DB2 database products and features or the DB2 Information Center:


To install a DB2 database product or feature using the db2_install command, or to install the DB2 Information Center using the doce_install command:

  1. If you have a physical DB2 database product DVD, insert and mount the appropriate DVD or access the file system where the installation image was stored.
  2. If you downloaded the DB2 database product image, you must extract and untar the product file.
    1. extract the product file:
      gzip -d product.tar.gz
      For example,
      gzip -d ese.tar.gz
    2. Untar the product file:
      On Linux operating systems
      tar -xvf product.tar
      For example,
      tar -xvf ese.tar
      On AIX®, HP-UX, and Solaris operating systems
      gnutar -xvf product.tar
      For example,
      gnutar -xvf ese.tar
    3. Change directory into the product directory:
      cd product
      For example,
      cd ese
  3. Enter the ./db2_install or ./doce_install command:
    ./db2_install -b DB2DIR -p productShortName -c NLPackLocation -L language... -n 
    • DB2DIR specifies the path where the DB2 database product will be installed. If the path is not specified, you are prompted to either select the default path or to provide the path. The default installation path is:
      • for AIX, HP-UX or Solaris operating systems: /opt/IBM/db2/V9.7
      • for Linux operating systems: /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7
      • for the DB2 Information Center: /opt/ibm/db2ic/V9.7. The Workstation version of the DB2 Information Center does not have a default installation path, you must specify the installation location. However, by default, the Workstation version of the DB2 Information Center is installed at port 51097.

      If you provide your own path, you must specify the full path name.

      DB2 installation paths have the following rules:
      • Can include lowercase letters (a-z), uppercase letters (A-Z), and the underscore character ( _ )
      • Cannot exceed 128 characters
      • Cannot contain spaces
      • Cannot contain non-English characters
      • Cannot be symbolic links
      Note: For DB2 database products and components to work together, they must be installed to a single path. This is not to be confused with the ability to install DB2 database products to multiple paths. But, for products and components to work together, they must be installed to the same path, and, must be at the same release level.
    • productShortName specifies the DB2 database product to be installed.

      This parameter is case insensitive and is mandatory when the -n parameter is specified. The product short name (productShortName) can be found in the file ComponentList.htm (under the product full name) located in the /db2/plat directory on your media where plat is the platform name that you are installing on. You can only install one product at a time.

    • NLPackLocation specifies the National Language Pack (NLPACK) location.
    • language specifies national language support. You can install a non-English version of a DB2 database product. However, you must run this command from the product DVD, not the National Language pack DVD.

      By default, English is always installed, therefore, English does not need to be specified. When more than one language is required this parameter is mandatory. To indicate multiple languages, specify this parameter multiple times. For example, to install both French and German specify -L FR -L DE.

    • n parameter indicates noninteractive installation mode. When this parameter is specified, both -b and -p must also be specified. You only need to specify -c and -L if applicable.
    When installing the DB2 Information Center, if you specify a port number other than the default, you might receive the error The service name specified is in use. You can correct this error by either choosing to use the default port number or by specifying a different service name.

What to do next

After installation, you must manually configure your DB2 database server. Tasks include user and instance creation and configuration.