DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

TCP/IP worksheet for configuring a client to server connection

As you proceed through the configuration steps, use the Your Value column in the following table to record the required values.

Table 1. TCP/IP parameter values worksheet
Parameter Description Sample Value Your Value

Version of the IP protocol

Options are:
  • IPv4: addresses look like this
  • IPv6: addresses look like this: 2001:0db8:4545:2::09ff:fef7:62dc

Host name

  • Hostname (hostname) or
  • IP address (ip_address)

To resolve the hostname of the remote system, enter the hostname command at the server.

To resolve the IP address, enter the ping hostname command.



or an IPv6 address

Service Name
  • Connection Service name (svcename) or
  • Port number/Protocol (port_number/tcp)
Values Required in the services file.

The Connection Service name is an arbitrary name that represents the connection port number (port_number) on the client.

The port number must be the same as the port number that the svcename parameter maps to in the services file on the server system. (The svcename parameter is located in the database manager configuration file on the server instance.) This value must not be in use by any other applications, and must be unique within the services file.

On Linux or UNIX platforms, this value generally must be 1024 or higher.

Contact your database administrator for the values used to configure the server.




Node name (node_name)

A local alias, or nickname, that describes the node to which you are trying to connect. You can choose any name you want; however, all node name values within your local node directory must be unique.
