DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

DisableUnicode CLI/ODBC configuration keyword

Disables underlying Unicode support.

db2cli.ini keyword syntax:
DisableUnicode = <not set> | 0 | 1
Default setting:
Unicode support is enabled.
Usage notes:

With Unicode support enabled, and when called by a Unicode application, CLI will attempt to connect to the database using the best client code page possible to ensure there is no unnecessary data loss due to code page conversion. This may increase the connection time as code pages are exchanged, or may cause code page conversions on the client that did not occur before this support was added.

If an application is Unicode (the SQL_ATTR_ANSI_APP connection attribute is set to SQL_AA_FALSE, or the connection occurred with SQLConnectW()), then the DisableUnicode keyword can be used to effect three different connection behaviors:
  • DisableUnicode is not set in the db2cli.ini file: If the target database supports Unicode, CLI will connect in Unicode code pages (1208 and 1200). Otherwise, CLI will connect in the application code page.
  • DisableUnicode=0 is set: CLI always connects in Unicode, whether or not the target database supports Unicode.
  • DisableUnicode=1 is set: CLI always connects in the application code page, whether or not the target database supports Unicode.