DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Character conversion guidelines

Data conversion might be required to map data between application and database code pages when your application and database do not use the same code page. Because mapping and data conversion require additional overhead application performance improves if the application and database use the same code page or the identity collating sequence.

Character conversion occurs in the following circumstances:
Character conversion does not occur for the following objects:

The conversion function and conversion tables or DBCS conversion APIs that the database manager uses when it converts multibyte code pages depends on the operating system environment.

Note: Character string conversions between multibyte code pages, such as DBCS with EUC, might increase or decrease length of a string.

Extended UNIX Code (EUC) Code Page Support

Host variables that use graphic data in C or C++ applications require special considerations that include special precompiler, application performance, and application design issues.

Many characters in both the Japanese and Traditional Chinese EUC code pages require special methods of managing database and client application support for graphic data, which require double byte characters. Graphic data from these EUC code pages is stored and manipulated using the UCS-2 code set.