DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Indoubt Transaction Manager overview

Use the Indoubt Transaction Manager window to work with indoubt transactions. The window lists all indoubt transactions for a selected database and one or more selected partitions.

Important: The Indoubt Transaction Manager has been deprecated in Version 9.7 and might be removed in a future release. For more information, see Control Center tools have been deprecated.

An indoubt transaction is a global transaction that was left in an indoubt state. DB2® provides heuristic actions that database administrators can perform on indoubt transactions when the resource owner, such as the database administrator, cannot wait for the Transaction Manager to perform the resync action. This condition may occur if, for example, the communication line is broken, and an indoubt transaction is tying up needed resources such as locks on tables and indexes, log space, and storage used by the transaction.

While it is preferable for the Transaction Manager to initiate the re-sync action, there may be times when you may have to perform the heuristic actions on the indoubt transactions. In these cases, use the heuristic actions with caution and only as a last resort and follow these guidelines.

To open the Indoubt Transaction Manager on Intel platforms, from the Start menu, click Start -→ Programs -→IBM DB2 -→Monitoring Tools -→Indoubt Transaction Manager.

To open the Indoubt Transaction Manager using the command line in UNIX or on Intel, run the following command:
You can perform the following heuristic actions on indoubt transactions:

To perform these actions on indoubt transactions you must have SYSADM or DBADM authority.

The columns in the Indoubt Transaction Manager window provide named views that you can use to organize and display indoubt transactions in different ways. The following list describes each of the columns in the interface:

The indoubt status of the transaction, namely Committed (c), Ended (e), Indoubt (i), Missing commit acknowledgement (m), and Rolled back (r):
Transactions in this state have been heuristically committed.
Transactions in this state may have timed out.
Transactions in this state are waiting to be committed or rolled back.
Missing commit acknowledgement
The Transaction Manager is waiting to receive an acknowledgement before committing the transaction.
Rolled back
Transactions in this state have been heuristically rolled back
The time stamp on the server when the transaction entered the prepared (indoubt) state. The time is the local time to the client.
Transaction ID
The XA identifier assigned by the transaction manager to uniquely identify a global transaction.
Application ID
The application identifier assigned by the database manager for this transaction.
Authorization ID
The user ID of the user who ran the transaction.
Sequence Number
The sequence number assigned by the database manager as an extension to the application identifier.
The partition on which the indoubt transaction exists.
Indicates whether the transaction was originated by XA or by DB2 in a partitioned database environment.
Log Full
Indicates whether this transaction caused a log full condition.
The type information that shows the role of the database in each indoubt transaction.
  • TM indicates the indoubt transaction is using the database as a transaction manager database.
  • RM indicates the indoubt transaction is using the database as a resource manager. This means that it is one of the databases participating in the transaction, but is not the transaction manager database.