DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


Returns the alert configuration settings for health indicators for a particular instance.

Important: This command or API has been deprecated and might be removed in a future release because the health monitor has been deprecated in Version 9.7. For more information, see Health monitor has been deprecated.



Required connection

Instance. An explicit attachment is not required.

Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-GET ALERT--+-CONFIGURATION-+--FOR---------------------------->

>--+-+-+-DATABASE MANAGER-+-+--+---------+-----------------------+-->
   | | +-DB MANAGER-------+ |  '-DEFAULT-'                       |   
   | | '-DBM--------------' |                                    |   
   | +-DATABASES------------+                                    |   
   | +-CONTAINERS-----------+                                    |   
   | '-TABLESPACES----------'                                    |   
   '-+-DATABASE----------------------------+--ON--database alias-'   

   |        .-,---------------------. |   
   |        V                       | |   
   '-USING----health indicator name-+-'   

Command parameters

Retrieves alert settings for the database manager.
Retrieves alert settings for all databases managed by the database manager. These are the settings that apply to all databases that do not have custom settings. Custom settings are defined using the DATABASE ON database alias clause.
Retrieves alert settings for all table space containers managed by the database manager. These are the settings that apply to all table space containers that do not have custom settings. Custom settings are defined using the CONTAINER name ON database alias clause.
Retrieves alert settings for all table spaces managed by the database manager. These are the settings that apply to all table spaces that do not have custom settings. Custom settings are defined using the TABLESPACE name ON database alias clause.
Specifies that the install defaults are to be retrieved.
DATABASE ON database alias
Retrieves the alert settings for the database specified using the ON database alias clause. If this database does not have custom settings, then the settings for all databases for the instance will be returned, which is equivalent to using the DATABASES parameter.
CONTAINER name FOR tablespace-id ON database alias
Retrieves the alert settings for the table space container called name, for the table space specified using the FOR tablespace-id clause, on the database specified using the ON database alias clause. If this table space container does not have custom settings, then the settings for all table space containers for the database will be returned, which is equivalent to using the CONTAINERS parameter.
TABLESPACE name ON database alias
Retrieves the alert settings for the table space called name, on the database specified using the ON database alias clause. If this table space does not have custom settings, then the settings for all table spaces for the database will be returned, which is equivalent to using the TABLESPACES parameter.
USING health indicator name
Specifies the set of health indicators for which alert configuration information will be returned. Health indicator names consist of a two-letter object identifier followed by a name that describes what the indicator measures. For example: db.sort_privmem_util. This is an optional clause, meaning that if it is not used, all health indicators for the specified object or object type will be returned.


The following is typical output resulting from a request for database manager information:

            Alert Configuration
  Indicator Name                     = db2.db2_op_status
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = State-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = db2.db2_status;
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db2.sort_privmem_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 90
      Alarm                          = 100
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((db2.sort_heap_allocated/sheapthres)
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db2.mon_heap_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 85
      Alarm                          = 95
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((db2.mon_heap_cur_size/
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled
The following is typical output resulting from a request for configuration information:

            Alert Configuration
  Indicator Name                     = db.db_op_status
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = State-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = db.db_status;
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.sort_shrmem_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 70
      Alarm                          = 85
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((db.sort_shrheap_allocated/sheapthres_shr)
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.spilled_sorts
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 30
      Alarm                          = 50
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((delta(db.sort_overflows,10))/
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.max_sort_shrmem_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 60
      Alarm                          = 30
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((db.max_shr_sort_mem/
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.log_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 75
      Alarm                          = 85
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = (db.total_log_used/
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.log_fs_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 75
      Alarm                          = 85
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((os.fs_used/os.fs_total)*100);
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.deadlock_rate
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 5
      Alarm                          = 10
      Unit                           = Deadlocks per hour
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = delta(db.deadlocks);
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.locklist_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 75
      Alarm                          = 85
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = (db.lock_list_in_use/(locklist*4096))
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.lock_escal_rate
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 5
      Alarm                          = 10
      Unit                           = Lock escalations per hour
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = delta(db.lock_escals);
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.apps_waiting_locks
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 50
      Alarm                          = 70
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = (db.locks_waiting/db.appls_cur_cons)*100;

      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.pkgcache_hitratio
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 80
      Alarm                          = 70
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = (1-
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.catcache_hitratio
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 80
      Alarm                          = 70
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = (1-
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.shrworkspace_hitratio
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 80
      Alarm                          = 70
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((1-
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.db_heap_util
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 85
      Alarm                          = 95
      Unit                           = %
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = ((db.db_heap_cur_size/
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.tb_reorg_req
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Collection state-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.hadr_op_status
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = State-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = db.hadr_connect_status;
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.hadr_delay
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Threshold-based
      Warning                        = 10
      Alarm                          = 15
      Unit                           = Minutes
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Formula                        = (db.hadr_log_gap*var.refresh_rate/60)
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Enabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.db_backup_req
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = State-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.fed_nicknames_op_status
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Collection state-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.fed_servers_op_status
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Collection state-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled

  Indicator Name                     = db.tb_runstats_req
      Default                        = Yes
      Type                           = Collection state-based
      Sensitivity                    = 0
      Actions                        = Disabled
      Threshold or State checking    = Disabled