DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


Returns the values of individual entries in the database manager configuration file.



Required connection

None or instance. An instance attachment is not required to perform local DBM configuration operations, but is required to perform remote DBM configuration operations. To display the database manager configuration for a remote instance, it is necessary to first attach to that instance. The SHOW DETAIL clause requires an instance attachment.

Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-GET--+-DATABASE MANAGER-+--+-CONFIGURATION-+--+-------------+-><
        +-DB MANAGER-------+  +-CONFIG--------+  '-SHOW DETAIL-'   
        '-DBM--------------'  '-CFG-----------'                    

Command parameters

Displays detailed information showing the current value of database manager configuration parameters as well as the value of the parameters the next time you start the database manager. This option lets you see the result of dynamic changes to configuration parameters.

This is a default clause when operating in the CLPPlus interface. SHOW DETAIL need not be called when using CLPPlus processor.


Both node type and platform determine which configuration parameters are listed.

The following is sample output from GET DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION (issued on Windows):

          Database Manager Configuration

     Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote clients

 Database manager configuration release level            = 0x0c00

 Maximum total of files open               (MAXTOTFILOP) = 16000
 CPU speed (millisec/instruction)             (CPUSPEED) = 4.251098e-007
 Communications bandwidth (MB/sec)      (COMM_BANDWIDTH) = 1.000000e+002

 Max number of concurrently active databases     (NUMDB) = 8
 Federated Database System Support           (FEDERATED) = NO
 Transaction processor monitor name        (TP_MON_NAME) =

 Default charge-back account           (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) =

 Java Development Kit installation path       (JDK_PATH) =

 Diagnostic error capture level              (DIAGLEVEL) = 3
 Notify Level                              (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 3
 Diagnostic data directory path               (DIAGPATH) =

 Default database monitor switches
   Buffer pool                         (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = OFF
   Lock                                   (DFT_MON_LOCK) = OFF
   Sort                                   (DFT_MON_SORT) = OFF
   Statement                              (DFT_MON_STMT) = OFF
   Table                                 (DFT_MON_TABLE) = OFF
   Timestamp                         (DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP) = ON
   Unit of work                            (DFT_MON_UOW) = OFF
 Monitor health of instance and databases   (HEALTH_MON) = ON

 SYSADM group name                        (SYSADM_GROUP) =
 SYSCTRL group name                      (SYSCTRL_GROUP) =
 SYSMAINT group name                    (SYSMAINT_GROUP) =
 SYSMON group name                        (SYSMON_GROUP) =

 Client Userid-Password Plugin          (CLNT_PW_PLUGIN) =
 Client Kerberos Plugin                (CLNT_KRB_PLUGIN) = IBMkrb5
 Group Plugin                             (GROUP_PLUGIN) =
 GSS Plugin for Local Authorization    (LOCAL_GSSPLUGIN) =
 Server Plugin Mode                    (SRV_PLUGIN_MODE) = UNFENCED
 Server List of GSS Plugins      (SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST) =
 Server Userid-Password Plugin        (SRVCON_PW_PLUGIN) =
 Server Connection Authentication          (SRVCON_AUTH) = NOT_SPECIFIED
 Cluster manager                           (CLUSTER_MGR) =

 Database manager authentication        (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER
 Cataloging allowed without authority   (CATALOG_NOAUTH) = NO
 Trust all clients                      (TRUST_ALLCLNTS) = YES
 Trusted client authentication          (TRUST_CLNTAUTH) = CLIENT
 Bypass federated authentication            (FED_NOAUTH) = NO

 Default database path                       (DFTDBPATH) = C:

 Database monitor heap size (4KB)          (MON_HEAP_SZ) = AUTOMATIC
 Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB)     (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 2048
 Audit buffer size (4KB)                  (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0
 Size of instance shared memory (4KB)  (INSTANCE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC
 Backup buffer default size (4KB)            (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024
 Restore buffer default size (4KB)           (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024

 Agent stack size                       (AGENT_STACK_SZ) = 16
 Minimum committed private memory (4KB)   (MIN_PRIV_MEM) = 32
 Private memory threshold (4KB)        (PRIV_MEM_THRESH) = 20000

 Sort heap threshold (4KB)                  (SHEAPTHRES) = 0

 Directory cache support                     (DIR_CACHE) = YES

 Application support layer heap size (4KB)   (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15
 Max requester I/O block size (bytes)         (RQRIOBLK) = 32767
 Query heap size (4KB)                   (QUERY_HEAP_SZ) = 1000

 Workload impact by throttled utilities(UTIL_IMPACT_LIM) = 10

 Priority of agents                           (AGENTPRI) = SYSTEM
 Agent pool size                        (NUM_POOLAGENTS) = AUTOMATIC
 Initial number of agents in pool       (NUM_INITAGENTS) = 0
 Max number of coordinating agents     (MAX_COORDAGENTS) = AUTOMATIC
 Max number of client connections      (MAX_CONNECTIONS) = AUTOMATIC

 Keep fenced process                        (KEEPFENCED) = YES
 Number of pooled fenced processes         (FENCED_POOL) = AUTOMATIC
 Initial number of fenced processes     (NUM_INITFENCED) = 0

 Index re-creation time and redo index build  (INDEXREC) = RESTART

 Transaction manager database name         (TM_DATABASE) = 1ST_CONN
 Transaction resync interval (sec)     (RESYNC_INTERVAL) = 180

 SPM name                                     (SPM_NAME) = KEON14
 SPM log size                          (SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ) = 256
 SPM resync agent limit                 (SPM_MAX_RESYNC) = 20
 SPM log path                             (SPM_LOG_PATH) =

 NetBIOS Workstation name                        (NNAME) =

 TCP/IP Service name                          (SVCENAME) = db2c_DB2
 Discovery mode                               (DISCOVER) = SEARCH
 Discover server instance                (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE

 Maximum query degree of parallelism   (MAX_QUERYDEGREE) = ANY
 Enable intra-partition parallelism     (INTRA_PARALLEL) = NO

 Maximum Asynchronous TQs per query    (FEDERATED_ASYNC) = 0

 No. of int. communication buffers(4KB)(FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = AUTOMATIC
 No. of int. communication channels   (FCM_NUM_CHANNELS) = AUTOMATIC
 Node connection elapse time (sec)         (CONN_ELAPSE) = 10
 Max number of node connection retries (MAX_CONNRETRIES) = 5
 Max time difference between nodes (min) (MAX_TIME_DIFF) = 60

 db2start/db2stop timeout (min)        (START_STOP_TIME) = 10

The following output sample shows the information displayed when you specify the SHOW DETAIL option. The value that appears in the Delayed Value column is the value that will be in effect the next time you start the database manager instance.

db2 => get dbm cfg show detail

          Database Manager Configuration

     Node type = Enterprise Server Edition with local and remote clients

 Description                                   Parameter   Current Value        Delayed Value
 Database manager configuration release level            = 0x0c00

 Maximum total of files open               (MAXTOTFILOP) = 16000                16000
 CPU speed (millisec/instruction)             (CPUSPEED) = 4.251098e-007        4.251098e-007
 Communications bandwidth (MB/sec)      (COMM_BANDWIDTH) = 1.000000e+002        1.000000e+002

 Max number of concurrently active databases     (NUMDB) = 8                    8
 Federated Database System Support           (FEDERATED) = NO                   NO
 Transaction processor monitor name        (TP_MON_NAME) =

 Default charge-back account           (DFT_ACCOUNT_STR) =

 Java Development Kit installation path       (JDK_PATH) =

 Diagnostic error capture level              (DIAGLEVEL) = 3                    3
 Notify Level                              (NOTIFYLEVEL) = 3                    3
 Diagnostic data directory path               (DIAGPATH) =

 Default database monitor switches
   Buffer pool                         (DFT_MON_BUFPOOL) = OFF                  OFF
   Lock                                   (DFT_MON_LOCK) = OFF                  OFF
   Sort                                   (DFT_MON_SORT) = OFF                  OFF
   Statement                              (DFT_MON_STMT) = OFF                  OFF
   Table                                 (DFT_MON_TABLE) = OFF                  OFF
   Timestamp                         (DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP) = ON                   ON
   Unit of work                            (DFT_MON_UOW) = OFF                  OFF
 Monitor health of instance and databases   (HEALTH_MON) = ON                   ON

 SYSADM group name                        (SYSADM_GROUP) =
 SYSCTRL group name                      (SYSCTRL_GROUP) =
 SYSMAINT group name                    (SYSMAINT_GROUP) =
 SYSMON group name                        (SYSMON_GROUP) =

 Client Userid-Password Plugin          (CLNT_PW_PLUGIN) =

 Client Kerberos Plugin                (CLNT_KRB_PLUGIN) = IBMkrb5              IBMkrb5

 Group Plugin                             (GROUP_PLUGIN) =

 GSS Plugin for Local Authorization    (LOCAL_GSSPLUGIN) =

 Server Plugin Mode                    (SRV_PLUGIN_MODE) = UNFENCED             UNFENCED

 Server List of GSS Plugins      (SRVCON_GSSPLUGIN_LIST) =

 Server Userid-Password Plugin        (SRVCON_PW_PLUGIN) =

 Server Connection Authentication          (SRVCON_AUTH) = NOT_SPECIFIED        NOT_SPECIFIED
 Cluster manager                           (CLUSTER_MGR) =

 Database manager authentication        (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER               SERVER
 Cataloging allowed without authority   (CATALOG_NOAUTH) = NO                   NO
 Trust all clients                      (TRUST_ALLCLNTS) = YES                  YES
 Trusted client authentication          (TRUST_CLNTAUTH) = CLIENT               CLIENT
 Bypass federated authentication            (FED_NOAUTH) = NO                   NO

 Default database path                       (DFTDBPATH) = C:                   C:

 Database monitor heap size (4KB)          (MON_HEAP_SZ) = AUTOMATIC(66)        AUTOMATIC(66)
 Java Virtual Machine heap size (4KB)     (JAVA_HEAP_SZ) = 2048                 2048
 Audit buffer size (4KB)                  (AUDIT_BUF_SZ) = 0                    0
 Size of instance shared memory (4KB)  (INSTANCE_MEMORY) = AUTOMATIC(73728)     AUTOMATIC(73728)
 Backup buffer default size (4KB)            (BACKBUFSZ) = 1024                 1024
 Restore buffer default size (4KB)           (RESTBUFSZ) = 1024                 1024

 Agent stack size                       (AGENT_STACK_SZ) = 16                   16
 Sort heap threshold (4KB)                  (SHEAPTHRES) = 0                    0

 Directory cache support                     (DIR_CACHE) = YES                  YES

 Application support layer heap size (4KB)   (ASLHEAPSZ) = 15                   15
 Max requester I/O block size (bytes)         (RQRIOBLK) = 32767                32767
 Query heap size (4KB)                   (QUERY_HEAP_SZ) = 1000                 1000

 Workload impact by throttled utilities(UTIL_IMPACT_LIM) = 10                   10

 Priority of agents                           (AGENTPRI) = SYSTEM               SYSTEM
 Agent pool size                        (NUM_POOLAGENTS) = AUTOMATIC(100)       AUTOMATIC(100)
 Initial number of agents in pool       (NUM_INITAGENTS) = 0                    0
 Max number of coordinating agents     (MAX_COORDAGENTS) = AUTOMATIC(200)       AUTOMATIC(200)
 Max number of client connections      (MAX_CONNECTIONS) = AUTOMATIC(MAX_       AUTOMATIC(MAX_
                                                           COORDAGENTS)         COORDAGENTS)

 Keep fenced process                        (KEEPFENCED) = YES                  YES
 Number of pooled fenced processes         (FENCED_POOL) = AUTOMATIC(MAX_       AUTOMATIC(MAX_
                                                           COORDAGENTS)         COORDAGENTS)
 Initial number of fenced processes     (NUM_INITFENCED) = 0                    0

 Index re-creation time and redo index build  (INDEXREC) = RESTART              RESTART

 Transaction manager database name         (TM_DATABASE) = 1ST_CONN             1ST_CONN
 Transaction resync interval (sec)     (RESYNC_INTERVAL) = 180                  180

 SPM name                                     (SPM_NAME) = KEON14               KEON14
 SPM log size                          (SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ) = 256                  256
 SPM resync agent limit                 (SPM_MAX_RESYNC) = 20                   20
 SPM log path                             (SPM_LOG_PATH) =

 NetBIOS Workstation name                        (NNAME) =

 TCP/IP Service name                          (SVCENAME) = db2c_DB2             db2c_DB2
 Discovery mode                               (DISCOVER) = SEARCH               SEARCH
 Discover server instance                (DISCOVER_INST) = ENABLE               ENABLE

 Maximum query degree of parallelism   (MAX_QUERYDEGREE) = ANY                  ANY
 Enable intra-partition parallelism     (INTRA_PARALLEL) = NO                   NO

 Maximum Asynchronous TQs per query    (FEDERATED_ASYNC) = 0                    0

 No. of int. communication buffers(4KB)(FCM_NUM_BUFFERS) = AUTOMATIC(4096)      AUTOMATIC(4096)
 No. of int. communication channels   (FCM_NUM_CHANNELS) = AUTOMATIC(2048)      AUTOMATIC(2048)
 Node connection elapse time (sec)         (CONN_ELAPSE) = 10                   10
 Max number of node connection retries (MAX_CONNRETRIES) = 5                    5
 Max time difference between nodes (min) (MAX_TIME_DIFF) = 60                   60

 db2start/db2stop timeout (min)        (START_STOP_TIME) = 10                   10

Usage notes