DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Deprecated or discontinued functionality that affects DB2 server upgrades

You should be aware of functionality that is deprecated or discontinued in DB2® Version 10.5 that can affect the upgrade of your DB2 server. Also, you should be aware of the DB2 products that are no longer supported because upgrade from these products to DB2 Version 10.5 is unsupported.

To deal with these functionality changes, you must perform additional tasks before or after upgrade. The following list describes changes that are not included in the pre-upgrade and post-upgrade tasks for DB2 servers:

Deprecated or discontinued commands

The db2IdentifyType1 command and the STATISTICS YES parameter of the LOAD command are discontinued. For more information, see DB2 command and SQL statement changes summary for details.

Review Upgrade impact from DB2 command changes to learn what commands are deprecated and discontinued in DB2 Version 10.5 and how to manage this impact on your database applications and routines.

Raw logs

The use of raw devices for database logging has been deprecated since DB2 Version 9.1 and will be removed in a future release. You should use a file system instead of a raw device. Using a file system with non-buffered I/O capabilities enabled, such as Concurrent I/O (CIO) or Direct I/O (DIO), can give you performance comparable to that of using raw devices. The following example illustrates how to change the newlogpath parameter setting to a file system directory:

  db2 UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION USING newlogpath /disk2/newlogdir

The new setting does not become effective until the database is in a consistent state and all users are disconnected from the database. The database manager moves the logs to the new location after the first user connects to the database.

Functionality that was deprecated or discontinued in DB2 pre-V10.5 releases
If you are upgrading from DB2 V10.5 versions, you must also review the changes made in DB2 Version 10.1 or Version 9.7 that might impact your environment after ugprading to DB2 Version 10.5. Review the following topic to learn about additional possible impacts on the upgrade of your DB2 server: