DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Setting the location for accessing the DB2 Information Center

If you have a locally installed DB2® server or IBM® data server client you can configure it to access the documentation from an alternate location.

Before you begin

About this task

If you want to change the location from which the DB2 documentation in the DB2 Information Center is accessed, you must change the values for the DB2_DOCHOST and DB2_DOCPORT variables. The DB2 Information Center can be accessed from the ibm.com® website (default location), an intranet server, or locally, from your own computer.


  1. Determine the appropriate values for the DB2_DOCHOST and DB2_DOCPORT variables. The values are determined by whether you want to access the DB2 Information Center from ibm.com, an intranet server, or from your own computer.
    Access location Values for DB2_DOCHOST and DB2_DOCPORT
    ibm.com website (default location)
    • DB2_DOCHOST: Use the value pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v10r5
    • DB2_DOCPORT: Not applicable.
    Intranet server
    • DB2_DOCHOST: Use the host name of the intranet server. For example, companyserver.companyname.com
    • DB2_DOCPORT: Use the port number of intranet server. For example, 51000
    Local computer
    Network Information Center
    • DB2_DOCHOST: Use the host name of the local computer or the value "localhost".
    • DB2_DOCPORT: Use the port number of the local computer. For example, 51000
    Workstation version of the DB2 Information Center
    • DB2_DOCHOST: Use the host name of the local computer or the value "localhost".
    • DB2_DOCPORT: Use the port number of the local computer. For example, 51097
  2. Update the DB2_DOCHOST and DB2_DOCPORT variables.

    You can change the values for these variables for all instances (globally), for an instance, or for an individual user profile at the operating-system or environment level.

    The order of precedence in which the values for these variables are used from the least to the greatest is as follows: global, instance, and environment. This order of precedence means that setting the variables at the environment level overrides any global level and instance level settings for the variables. During installation, these variables are set at the global level only.