DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Configuring the DB2 fault monitor using db2fmcu and system commands

You can configure the DB2® fault monitor using the DB2 fault monitor controller command db2fmcu or system commands.

Here are some examples of using db2fmcu and system commands to configure the fault monitor:

Example 1: Prevent FMC from being launched

You can prevent the fault monitor controller (FMC) from being launched by using the DB2 fault monitor controller command. The db2fmcu command must be run as root because it accesses the system's inittab file. To block the FMC from being run, type the following command as root:

   db2fmcu -d
Note: If you apply a DB2 Data Server fix pack this will be reset so that the inittab will again be configured to include the FMC. To prevent the FMC from being launched after you have applied a fix pack, you must reissue the command shown in this example.
Example 2: Include FMC to be launched

To reverse the db2fmcu -d command and reconfigure the inittab to include the FMC, type the following command:

   db2fmcu -u -p  fullpath

where fullpath is the complete path to the db2fmcd object, for example /opt/IBM/db2/bin/db2fmcd.

Example 3: Automatically start the DB2 database manager instance

You can also enable FMC to automatically start the instance when the system is first booted. To enable this feature for instance DB2INST1, type the following command:

   db2iauto -on db2inst1
Note: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (RHEL6) systems, the DB2 Fault Monitor Coordinator daemon (db2fmcd) does not restart after a system restart, so the DB2 instances will not restart even if it is configured correctly to start automatically. Consult the following technote to enable the fault monitor so that the db2fmcd autostarts on RHEL6 systems: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21497220.
Example 4: Disable automatically starting the instance

To turn off the autostart behaviour, type the following command:

   db2iauto -off db2inst1
Example 5: Prevent fault monitor processes from being launched

You can also prevent fault monitor processes from being launched for a specific instances on the system by changing a field in the global registry record for the instance. To change the global registry field to disable fault monitors for instance DB2INST1, type the following command as root:

   db2greg -updinstrec instancename=db2inst1!startatboot=0

To reverse this command and re-enable fault monitors for instance DB2INST1, type the following command as root:

   db2greg -updinstrec instancename=db2inst1!startatboot=1