DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Tuning configuration parameters using the Configuration Advisor

The Configuration Advisor helps you to tune performance and to balance memory requirements for a single database per instance by suggesting which configuration parameters to modify and suggesting values for them. The Configuration Advisor is automatically run when you create a database.

About this task

To disable this feature or to explicitly enable it, use the db2set command before creating a database, as follows:
To define values for several of the configuration parameters and to determine the scope of the application of those parameters, use the AUTOCONFIGURE command, specifying one of the following options:
  • NONE, meaning that none of the values are applied
  • DB ONLY, meaning that only database configuration and buffer pool values are applied
  • DB AND DBM, meaning that all parameters and their values are applied
Note: Even if you automatically enabled the Configuration Advisor when you ran the CREATE DATABASE command, you can still specify AUTOCONFIGURE command options. If you did not enable the Configuration Advisor when you ran the CREATE DATABASE command, you can run the Configuration Advisor manually afterwards.