DB2 10.5 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows


Returns the values of individual DB2® Administration Server (DAS) configuration parameter values on the administration node of the system. The DAS is a special administrative tool that enables remote administration of DB2 servers.

For a list of the DAS configuration parameters, see the description of the UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command.

Important: The DB2 Administration Server (DAS) has been deprecated in Version 9.7 and might be removed in a future release. The DAS is not supported in DB2 pureScale® environments. Use software programs that use the Secure Shell protocol for remote administration. For more information, see DB2 administration server (DAS) has been deprecated .


This command returns information about DAS configuration parameters on the administration node of the system to which you are attached or that you specify in the FOR NODE option.



Required connection

Node. To display the DAS configuration for a remote system, first connect to that system or use the FOR NODE option to specify the administration node of the system.

Command syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
>>-GET ADMIN--+-CONFIGURATION-+--------------------------------->

   '-FOR NODE--node-name--+---------------------------------+-'   

Command parameters

FOR NODE node-name
Enter the name of a the administration node to view DAS configuration parameters there.
USER username USING password
If connection to the node requires user name and password, enter this information.


The following example is sample output from GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION:

            Admin Server Configuration

 Authentication Type DAS                (AUTHENTICATION) = SERVER_ENCRYPT

 DAS Administration Authority Group Name  (DASADM_GROUP) = ADMINISTRATORS

 DAS Discovery Mode                           (DISCOVER) = SEARCH
 Name of the DB2 Server System               (DB2SYSTEM) = swalkty

 Java Development Kit Installation Path DAS   (JDK_PATH) = e:\sqllib\java\jdk

 DAS Code Page                            (DAS_CODEPAGE) = 0
 DAS Territory                           (DAS_TERRITORY) = 0

 Location of Contact List                 (CONTACT_HOST) = hostA.ibm.ca
 Execute Expired Tasks                   (EXEC_EXP_TASK) = NO
 Scheduler Mode                           (SCHED_ENABLE) = ON
 SMTP Server                               (SMTP_SERVER) = smtp1.ibm.ca
 Tools Catalog Database                    (TOOLSCAT_DB) = CCMD
 Tools Catalog Database Instance         (TOOLSCAT_INST) = DB2
 Tools Catalog Database Schema         (TOOLSCAT_SCHEMA) = TOOLSCAT
 Scheduler User ID                                       = db2admin

Usage notes

If an error occurs, the information returned is not valid. If the configuration file is invalid, an error message is returned. The user must install the DAS again to recover.

To set the configuration parameters to the default values shipped with the DAS, use the RESET ADMIN CONFIGURATION command.