DB2 Version 10.1 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows

Some database configuration parameters have been deprecated or discontinued

Due to changes in functionality, the introduction of new database configuration parameters, or the removal of support, the following database configuration parameters have been either deprecated or discontinued.


The following database configuration parameters are deprecated:
Table 1. Deprecated database configuration parameters
Parameter name Description Details
auto_stats_prof auto_prof_upd Automatic statistics profiling Automatic statistics profiling is deprecated because of its noticeable performance overhead and restrictions. It is not supported in partitioned database environments, federated systems, or databases with intrapartition parallelism enabled or enables collection of section actuals.
health_mon Health monitoring configuration parameter The health monitor and associated health indicators have been deprecated.
mincommit Number of commits to group configuration parameter Tuning of this parameter is not required due to improvements to the logging infrastructure.
The following database configuration parameters are discontinued:
Table 2. Discontinued database configuration parameters
Parameter name Description Details
dyn_query_mgmt Dynamic SQL and XQuery query management This parameter is no longer available because Query Patroller is discontinued.
logretain Log retain enable This parameter has been replaced with logarchmeth1, the primary log archive method configuration parameter. To retain active log files for rollforward recovery, set logarchmeth1 to LOGRETAIN by issuing the command UPDATE DB CFG USING logarchmeth1 LOGRETAIN. logarchmeth2 must be set to OFF.
userexit User exit enable This parameter has been replaced with logarchmeth1, the primary log archive method configuration parameter. To enable log archiving through a user exit program, set logarchmeth1 to USEREXIT by issuing the command UPDATE DB CFG USING logarchmeth1 USEREXIT. logarchmeth2 must be set to OFF.

The logarchmeth1 and logarchmeth2 configuration parameters in databases that were upgraded from pre-Version 10.1 releases have the same values as the logretain and userexit configuration parameters. In previous releases, the values of the logarchmeth1 and logarchmeth2 configuration parameters were synchronized to the values of the logretain and userexit configuration parameters. After upgrading your database, no action is required as the logarchmeth1 and logarchmeth2 configuration parameters are already set to the appropriate values.


Remove the use of database configuration parameters that are deprecated because the functionality associated with the configuration parameter is obsolete or has been replaced by new functionality. Also, remove the use of discontinued database configuration parameters as they do not have the intended effect.

If a replacement database configuration parameter is provided, set it to maintain wanted database behavior.